KiZ special
Vijf internationale lessen van corona voor de langdurige zorg
Het coronavirus heeft de langdurige zorg in binnen- en buitenland het afgelopen anderhalf jaar hard getroffen. De vraag of Nederland daarbij effectief heeft gehandeld in vergelijking met andere landen is lastig te beantwoorden. De sterfte- en infectiecijfers zijn moeilijk met elkaar te vergelijken. Elk land omschrijft de langdurige zorg op een eigen manier en de registraties verschillen sterk. We kunnen wel iets zeggen over de maatregelen die overal zijn genomen en de lessen die we daaruit kunnen trekken over hoe in de toekomst beter om te gaan met epidemieën of pandemieën.
Implementation knowledge as a solution for healthcare challenges
To ensure that implementation knowledge is more widely used in the Netherlands, the NIC (Netherlands Implementation Collective) was launched during the first European Implementation Event (EIE). According to Secretary-General of the Dutch Ministry of Health, Erik Gerritsen, the use of implementation knowledge can provide solutions for a large number of challenges in healthcare, such as resistance to change and the looming shortage of health care workers.
Implementatiekennis als oplossing voor uitdagingen in de gezondheidszorg
Om ervoor te zorgen dat implementatiekennis breder wordt verspreid in Nederland, is tijdens het eerste Europese Implementatie Event (EIE) het Nederlands Implementatie Collectief opgericht. Het gebruik van implementatiekennis kan volgens toenmalig Secretaris-Generaal van VWS Erik Gerritsen een oplossing zijn voor een groot aantal uitdagingen in de gezondheidszorg, zoals de weerstand tegen verandering en het dreigende personeelstekort.
The next generation of implementation professionals
During the EIE, special attention will be given to professionals - researchers and practitioners - who have recently started working in the implementation domain. Based on interviews with three early career professionals, we discuss what drives professionals to get started with implementation, what they encounter and what training and support they need.
Keynote Jet Bussemakers: Implementing knowledge for decision-making – a new decade
Jet Bussemaker is one of the keynote speakers at the European Implementation Event (EIE). With her interdisciplinary approach, she wants to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge and policy design and implementation, and the way in which professionals deal with policy goals in concrete situations.
Keynote David Chambers: Tracing progress in healthcare implementation research
David Chambers is Deputy Director of Implementation Science at the Office of the Director of the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) at the National Cancer Institute (NCI). During his keynote address at EIE, he will talk about tracing progress in healthcare implementation research and current opportunities and priorities for further work in this field.
Keynote Paul Iske: Failure as a Human right
In his talk, Paul Iske will introduce a framework for value creation by accepting and learning from (Brilliant) Failures. As all researchers and innovators know, failing is not only inevitable, but also an essential learning process. But are we allowed to fail? And what is the impact of culture on how we deal with failure?
‘EIE helps build implementation capacity in Europe – in research, practice and policy’
In 2018, during a round table discussion at the Nordic Implementation Conference, it was decided it was time to organize a truly European implementation conference. That event will become reality this year: the European Implementation Event (EIE) will take place on 27 and 28 May. An interview with EIE organizers Bianca Albers, Associate Director at the Center for Evidence and Implementation, and Pauline Goense, Implementation staff member at ZonMw.
Keynote David Chambers: kansen van implementatieonderzoek in de zorg
David Chambers is adjunct-directeur bij Implementation Science in the Office of the Director in the Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences (DCCPS) van het National Cancer Institute (NCI). Tijdens zijn keynote op EIE spreekt hij over het traceren van vooruitgang van implementatieonderzoek in de gezondheidszorg en de huidige kansen en prioriteiten voor verder werk op dit terrein.